Thursday, September 22, 2011

Funny in Farsi: A Memoir Of Growing Up Iranian In America

Two things made me read this book. First, of course is my continues need for learning about new cultures and second is that in some way I was sure I have faced the same humorous situations when I first came to the United States. And I wasn't mistaken to pick it up :) Written with a gentle sense of humor, Funny in Farsi is real fun! The book contains short stories mostly from Dumas` childhood, depicting the new world she and her family were entering in. I really enjoyed it, not only because the stories sound like short comedy episodes, but there is also a great taste of Iranian culture and heart-warming family life. I am sure every immigrant in America, no matter age, race nor culture, will identify himself somewhere between Firozeh's words. 
If you are looking on how to refresh your everyday life or you just need a book to relax with, Funny in Farsi might be a suitable choice.
Some say laughter is a medicine, I say laughter generates the positive vibration in our lives :)